This thesis is the kind of research and development (R&D). The background of the research is because of the case that Indonesian language listening lesson in Santa Maria Yogyakarta Senior High School was not optimal. Material of lesson and learning media was not used well. This case made the writer wanted to explore the material of lesson which includes the right method and media, also to be oriented on progress of students. The specification of the product is especially for students second semester of XI grade. The problem on this research is how to explore the material of Indonesian language listening lesson for second semester of XI grade in Santa Maria Yogyakarta Senior High School.
This research adapted research procedure from Borg and Gall. The writer simplified the procedure from Borg and Gall into seven steps, they are (1) need analysis, (2) arrangement and draft product development, (3) first trial, was scoring by expert, (4) first revision (5) field trial, (6) second revision and made development product perfectly, and (7) final product was done.
The need analysis was done by observation, questionnaire, and interview with Indonesian language teacher. Based on the result, the writer found the fact that teacher does not always used material of lesson and learning media. Student need material of lesson which used media to support their listening lesson. The writer used the result as the based of draft arrangement of lesson material product.
After passed some development procedure, a learning material was created in the form of a listening module. Scoring module by expert and teacher indicated average result 82,9%, while scoring learning media indicated average result 83,8%. Its characteristic is included suitable material and media with ability that must be obtained by students. There is exercise and task to evaluate students on material understanding. Is also put students need into consideration by showing social reality that the students have to know. This module was arranged to be used easily and operated well on learning activity in class with teacher as facilitator, and outside of class or in other words, students study by themselves.

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