This study aims to increase the competence, conscience and compassion the tenth grade students of Kolese de Britto Senior High School Yogyakarta through the Reflective Pedagogy Paradigm (RPP) in studying economics.
This research is a class action research with qualitative method. The data were collected through observation, interviews, tests, and questionnaires. Instruments used in the study were the observation sheet, anecdotal records, test questions, questionnaires, and reflection and action sheets. Steps taken in analyzing the data are (1) describing the initial conditions, (2) describing the first cycle, (3) describing the second cycle, (4) comparing the competence, conscience, and compassion of the tenth grade students of Kolese de Britto Senior High School before and after the treatment.
The result of the study shows that the application of the RPP in the studying economics can improve competence, conscience, and compassion of the tenth grade students of Kolese de Britto Senior High School Yogyakarta. At the end of the first cycle and second cycle, the competence, conscience, and compassion aspects of the students are increasing. The mean score for competence aspect is 63 in the beginning of the first cycle, whereas at the end of the first cycle it is increasing to 79. At the beginning of the second cycle the mean of the competence score is 46, and it is increasing at the end of the second cycle to 54. At the beginning of the first cycle the mean score of conscience is 3.48 and it increases at the end of the first cycle to 3.83 and at the end of the second cycle, it also increases to 4.04. At the beginning of the first cycle mean score of compassion is 4.11 and it increases at the end of the first cycle to 4.23. It is also increasing at the end of the second cycle to 4.40.

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