This undergraduate thesis is focused on the accuracy, the acceptability, and the appropriate patterns based on the accuracy and the acceptability from the translation of the complex noun phrase in Rick Riordan‟s Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the Lightning Thief which is translated by Femmy Syahrani.
There are many complex noun phrases found in the book. The Noun Phrases have many forms in the ST and TT, and it is interesting to be analyzed. There are three problems which are analyzed in this thesis. The first problem is how accurate the Indonesian translations of English complex noun phrases in Rick Riordan‟s Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief are. The second is how acceptable the Indonesian translations of English complex noun phrases in Rick Riordan‟s Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief are. The third is what the appropriate patterns for translating NP which are generated from the translation based on the accuracy and acceptability analysis are.
This study uses the combination of library and field research. The field research is used to find out the accuracy and the acceptability of the translation in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief through questionnaire. The indicator which is used to assess the questionnaire is Nababan‟s accuracy and acceptability category. The library method is needed to obtain extra information about concept and theories that could support this thesis.
The first result of this analysis is the average score in the accuracy questionnaire for the translated novel Percy Jackson the Olympians and the Lightning Thief: Pencuri Petir, is 1.4 which, according to Nababan‟s accuracy category, means accurate. The complex noun phrases are translated well, but sometimes she made mistakes in the choice of words, and things like plural and genitive forms. The score from the acceptability assessment is 1.4 which means acceptable. The complex noun phrases are translated well but sometimes she uses unfamiliar word which is difficult to understand even for Indonesian people. In the last analysis, 9 patterns are found. Based on the result of the accuracy and the acceptability of the translation, the appropriate pattern to use for translating complex noun phrase is head + modifier. There are 208 translations using this pattern. The accuracy rate for the translation using the pattern is 76% and the acceptability rate is 69%.

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